Extra: Our Online Opinions

Last Friday, news broke that a 17-year-old teenager vaulted a railing at popular Orchard Central, in order to retrieve his phone after he dropped it. The parapet he landed on gave way beneath his feet and he died after falling four floors.


Throughout this past weekend, people have been chiming in with their opinions on what happened. Some with sadness and cautionary warnings to other youths in the future, most condemning the kid for his stupid act. Yes, what he did was stupid. News even broke today that he wanted his vault to be recorded and posted on Snapchat by his friend. However, what I don't agree with are the comments on his stupidity and condemnation that has been flooding in since Friday.

I was talking to my father in the car about the incident, we agreed that what the teenager did was stupid, but we both agreed that his condemnation was not necessary. Comments like those above were widespread throughout social media and I feel this is one example as to how people use social media irresponsibly and don't practise compassion online.

The teenager may have died, but his closed friends and family are still around. It will hurt them to see these comments online. 

Yes, you have your opinion on something, but having a social media account does not make it okay to post whatever you want to. I feel people should always consider this, would you say what you posted online, to the person's face? In this case, would you say what you posted about the teenager, to his parents?

Everybody makes mistakes, for Jonathan Chow Hua Guang, it cost him his life. I feel we should be more gracious online and consider if our opinions truly belong on social media before posting the. At the very least, your social media opinions reflect on your real-life character.

Rest in Peace Jonathan.


  1. Hi Mark!
    I totally agree with you on this point. Being more gracious online is also a means of practicing responsibility in using social media. People should really think twice before posting malicious, mean or insensitive comments online. Yes, they can have their own opinions but this doesn't mean they can put it online in whatever way they want. Have they ever thought how the person on the receiving end would feel? Take the recent breastfeeding in public incident for example. People have posted several mean comments targeting the mother online. However, if they were really against her actions, they could have kindly told her that they disapproved whatever she did instead of condemning her personality, family etc. All in all, using social media responsibly is very important. Graciousness is something that should be practiced even when they are online.

    1. Eh mai act la. Since when you so nice to me one?


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